About Us

Our company was founded in 1998 with a commitment to excellence. We have dedicated ourselves to providing our clients with the best possible professional service and the assurance that we keep their best interests foremost.  Our clients look to us for quality of service, value, ethics and respect during a difficult time. Throughout the last twenty years we have not only met but exceeded those expectations.


OUR Services

Every family’s situation is unique and we offer a wide variety of services and can customize our plan to meet your needs and timeline. With our expertise, we are prepared to handle the entire process from start to finish. Whether you need to sell an entire household of furniture and housewares, or simply have a few valuable items you would like to sell, we are happy to help. 

Contact us today to find out more about a public estate or moving sale, private sale, consignments, inventories or eBay services. We are happy to provide a free consultation to visit your property and make a recommendation suited to your needs.

our expertise

We've developed a wide variety of resources to assist us in pricing specialized items, including art, jewelry, rugs, Native American items, stamps, coins, musical equipment and more. We also use a variety of online databases to research comparative sales and analyze trends. Some more valuable items are best sold through another venue, online site or through an auction house, we can assist with helping you find the right venue and platform to maximize your profit. We've worked with auction houses and buyers in New York, Chicago, Indianapolis, Charleston and Santa Fe. 




Mary Clegg began collecting antiques at an early age. Years ago she personally discovered the fun in finding treasures at estate and garage sales. It was an easy transition to apply that passion and her organizational skills when she established her own estate sale business.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you tell me a little bit more about the different services you offer?


  • Public Estate or Moving Sale is conducted on site in your home. This type of sale usually runs two to three days and includes a good mixture of larger more expensive items, like furniture, art, etc and a large selection of household items like kitchenware, decor, clothing, books, etc. We advertise these sales publicly and it's common to have several hundred people coming through the property during the sale.
  • A Private Sale is more suited to situations where there may not be enough for a full public sale but there is still a nice selection of furniture and household items. These sales are typically conducted for anywhere from a few hours to two days. These sales are generally only advertised to our email list and social media followers.
  • Occasionally we accept Consignments to be added to a sale being conducted at another property or to sell through another venue. These are typically high value items such as sterling silver, art, jewelry or furniture. 
  • We can provide Inventories for estate attorneys, bank trust departments and families to help determine the value of items in a household. We are not certified appraisers. These inventories provide a fair market value in the current estate and moving sale market.
  • Our new eBay services are designed to help clients who may have an item or collection that is better suited to a larger, possibly even International, market. We will list the item and handle the shipping or delivery for your items. 

2. Do you sell cars?

Yes! We’ve sold many cars over the years from a vintage MG convertible (that was completely disassembled) to a Jaguar convertible.

3. Can I stay in the house during the sale?

No, the property must be empty during the preparation and execution of the sale. When we prep a house, we take everything out of every drawer, cupboard and closet, move furniture and it will look like a tornado has gone through for a few days. Trust us, you don’t want to be living there while we’re working.


Our team is very thorough and we will always keep an eye out for any items that may have been left behind accidentally or any items that contain personal information. We will set these items aside and they can be picked up prior to the sale or we will arrange for them to be delivered to you. 

5. Do I have to be at the property during the sale?

No, in fact we strongly discourage it. The process of selling can be more emotional than you might expect. For your sake and to ensure our customers have a good shopping experience, we ask that you don’t attend the sale.  

6. What do you do with items that don’t sell?

We work hard to sell as much as we possibly can at our sales. However, there will always be leftover items. We work with a local auction house to sell the more valuable leftover items – typically furniture and art.  After the auction house, we call in several local charities and churches to donate household items and some furniture. Once we have donated and recycled everything we can, we work with a local trash hauler to clean out the property so it is ready to be put on the market or ready for a closing.

7. Do you sell clothes?

Yes! We typically have clothes at just about every sale we conduct. We will discard clothes that are too badly damaged or stained to be donated and will typically donate some clothes that aren’t in demand. Depending on condition and style, clothes can be a good draw for customers.